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Natasha Part 2

Last time, Mariah showed the others what she was made by taking down Hiroka. As we walked away, we saw Mana fighting a guy and he was looking he was getting desperate. Last time I heard you say something about giving me divine punishment or cleanse me or something in those lines. Mana asked. I am not done. Daiki replied. He touched the ground and a magic circle appeared under Daiki and Mana. Watch out Mana, that is a high-level and could nearly kill you! Takeru yelled. As if. Mana replied. Mana snapped her finger and nullified the spell. Nice try, but I won't let you win. Mana replied. Mana turned her head. A flash appeared. Mana started to block the attack. Who are you? Mana asked. I am surprised you don't remember me? Hayate replied. Wait, it can't be. Mana replied. Never thought I would see you, Hayate the War General. Tomoe replied. I am surprised you are acting like an upstanding citizen in this corrupt world. Hayate replied. Who is that woman to you? Daiki asked. This woman is the Lunar General, Mana Kyoyama I surprised you held your own against her. Hayate replied. Wait, is that Daiki your little brother? Mana asked. The person who looked up to you once. Hayate replied. Mana flashed at Hayate and they started to fight. Get out the way, Daiki. This is something personal. Tomoe replied. What are you talking about, Tomoe? Sam asked. He was one of the leaders of the rebellion who plotted her death and the others. From the distance, we all felt a seething rage. To find out it was Mana's hatred towards humans resurface after seeing that man, Hayate. A friend who turned out to be the one who shattered her outlook on humans in a whole. This is the end of Part Two. See you in December.

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