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Book Two: Part 2: Chapter Five: Adal's appearance and Kaoru's Surprise?

After everyone ate food, we all enjoyed themselves and Ally and Aoi were challenged to drinking contests. They all waked outside and were greeted by the current Avaritia General of the Army, Adal Pluie. I heard my men were mistreating you Bellerose. Adal replied. You don't need to punish them or anything, Adal. Ally replied. To let you all know my name is Adal Pluie and Bellerose trained together years before I became Army General. Adal replied. Katsu was a little surprised. You know Adal Pluie? He is famous for taking down legendary monster. Katsu replied. Well that monster was taken down with Bellerose's help too. I witnessed her Avaritia Magic and master swordsmanship that day. Adal replied. Adal, it's wonderful to see you again. I replied. Hey, what are you doing with the Crimson-Eyed Reaper and a reaper? Shido asked. I know this might sound crazy but they were forced to work with us for their repentance for the sins they have committed. I replied. This is Shura's doing isn't this? Shido asked. That woman what is her game this time, she is a mystery. Shido replied. On top of the roof of the building in her form as *Yumeko Tempus in a low-cut black kimono which hangs over her upper arms, exposing her chest. A young man began to pour her sake in to a choko. That foolish man. Megumi whispered. Lady Yumeko, what brings you here? My daughter and her friends are here in Clavel Rojo. I feel a disturbance in time and space. Megumi replied. I turned my head and saw a woman with hair white a snow in two loose pony tails. She looked at her as well. Hey what are you looking at? Aoi asked. I felt like I knew that person. I replied. Adal walked past Aoi and Katsu saying "I want you two to protect and watch over them." The group said bye to Corona.

When they arrived back to HQ, Ally walked over to me. Hey Aoi think you can take Kaoru home? Ally asked. Why would you ask me? Aoi asked. Well I have things I need to do. Wait. Aoi replied. Thanks bunches! Ally yelled. I carpooled with Ally this morning. Rumiko replied. I have a summons in the morning. Rumiko replied. Hey, Ally what the hell are you pulling?! I asked. I was dumbfounded. Well I have to take you home, I guess. Aoi replied. I am going to kill these girls. I thought. Ally looks back. Hey, I think we were messed up. Ally replied. A little we threw her out like a virgin sacrifice. Rumiko replied. Aoi drove me home. Thank you. I replied. Your friends just threw you out like a virgin sacrifice. Aoi replied. I know. I replied. Have a great night, Kaoru. Aoi replied. Aoi drove off. I feel I should have stayed longer but I have my own issues. Aoi thought. When I opened the door, I slumped to the floor. Why am I blushing? I don't have feelings for Aoi that is impossible. I thought. Ally calls me. I can't believe you two. I replied. Rumiko barged in. I'm sorry but you two look like you are getting along so well. Rumiko replied. I think he is just concerned about when I collapsed last week. I replied. Na. Ally and Rumiko replied. We are coming over to your house right now. Ally replied. When the two arrived, Ally opened the door hitting me in the head. Hey are you ok, Kaoru. Rumiko asked. I am so sorry. Ally replied. I have had the worst head injures. I replied. I think it is because Aoi has feelings for you. Ally replied. Stop coming to that conclusion is crazy. I thought.

Yumeko Tempus is Megumi Shura's real name. Read about her adventures in Haru/ My Rare Treasure or Days of Megumi.

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