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Book Two: Part 2: Chapter One: Cosmos Attack and Kaoru's Cold

Last time, Everyone is transported to the outskirts of the ancient Gula capital, Miluina. They were introduced to the half-human half-Dragon Knight, Blake la Gula. The mysterious girl with red hair appeared again to tell them news.

It has been two weeks since the last fight that occurred. We all feel like we have some room to breath. Kaoru walks to the table. Hey you guys? I asked. You look like hell. Rin replied. You can kiss my ass, Rin. I replied. Why are you still here? I asked. Well those five are still lurking around so I sent to stay here until this is over. Rin replied. It pains me to be here again, auh. Rin replied. The feeling is mutual. I replied. Before I sat down, I saw royal purple and silver ripples in the air. I jumped back. Aoi directed everyone to evacuate. Cosmos appeared and destroyed the table. I jumped back and summoned my sword. I never seen that sword before. Aoi replied. That is one of her new swords from her forbidden Invidia collection. Ally replied. Cosmos sword tapped my sword sending her flying into the wall. I walked over to her. Cosmos got back up. As I walked over to her I looked her. She elbows me in the face. I glared at her. We both jumped in midair. She began to attack but I used my powers I learned over the course of hellish training in ancient ruins in Atlas. The sword collection is called Memoirs of Fate. Aoi replied. First Strike, Ten no hasu no odori! I yelled. The whole space turned in a space where it looked like we were in a garden. Where are we? Comos asked. I looked at her. A flare of lotus started to float around her. I sheathed my sword. I know this magic. Aoi thought. How do you know that? Ally asked. What the hell are you trying to kill people? Rin asked. Megumi ran over. The attack caused a major explosion. Megumi replied. I was nearly out of breath. Cosmos was out of breath as well. Kin ran over. Kin don't attack. She is different from last time. Cosmos replied. Cosmos stood up and summoned a portal. I was so angry was they escaped out my grasp. The two escaped. I stood up and smiled. I finally took Cosmos down. I replied. My vision started to fade. Hime!!! Commander Koto!!! The cadets yelled. I could vaguely see myself in Aoi's arms being directed to the infirmary. I opened my eyes wider and began to start flailing. You need to rest in the infirmary. Aoi replied. I took him up on that offer. I fell asleep and then I heard Aoi muttered "You are still the same even as an adult." I started to wonder what he meant?

What does Aoi know about my current sword collection? I thought.

Stay Tuned.

Atlas is the ancient capital of Invidia.

Ten no hasu no odori means Dance of the Celestial Lotus.

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