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Book Two: Part 2: Chapter Three: The Crimson Ira Dragon Knight

It has been a few days since Himeji's abduction. I was discharged from the infirmary. As I walked out the door, everyone in their unit crowded around the door. I can not open the door! I yelled. You all should move out of the way so she can leave. Aoi replied. We are sorry, Commander Yoshida. Areum replied. Everyone moved out the way. Aoi snickered. Ren began to glare at Aoi. Hey, what is your game plan today? Ally asked. Hey. Rumiko replied. How are you going home today? Is it me taking you or Aoi? Ally asked. Ren started to glare a little more. I do not know but I am getting flustered for no reason. Well we see...mmmm. Ally replied. Rumiko covered Ally's mouth. You need to stop before it gets worse. Rumiko replied. I am so sorry about what Ally said. Rumiko replied. No you are fine. Your name is Rumiko Vestia, the Crimson Ira Dragon Knight? Ren asked. Yes, that is my name and nickname. Rumiko replied. Well I am Ren Koto, Kaoru's twin brother. It is nice to you. Ren replied. Rumiko walked outside. In the hallway, Rumiko looked at Ally. Hey is Kaoru's brother always have a narcissistic attitude? Rumiko asked. As the girls walked outside the door. Kin appeared at the end of the hallway. Rumiko looked at Kin. I never thought you would come and attack me like this? Rumiko asked. Ally, I need you to run away and get Higashiyama, Megumi or Yukimoto to have the people escape. Rumiko replied. Ally ran and called everyone in the Rumiko said so. Higashiyama and Yukimoto started to evacuate people. Rumiko is seen jumping off the eighth floor kicking Kin in the face. It sent the two over the rail. Rumiko summoned her forbidden sword. The weapon was giving off a sinister vibe. So you possess an Imperial Treasure? Kin asked. The two landed on the ground. Kin started to attack Rumiko began to dodge all of Kin's attacks. Kin landed a cut. Rumiko swords turned into two twin blades. Rumiko tapped his sword and the realm started to fade. Kin jumped back. Rumiko looked at him. Kin started to blind Rumiko with an unfamiliar attack. Rumiko eyes turned crimson and took her stance. Those eyes of hers remind me Calum's fierce anger. Higashiyama replied. Kin was in front of Rumiko flashed and slashed Kin's collarbone. Rumiko walked up to Kin. A flare of lights appeared. Kin collapsed in fear. What did you do to me? Kin replied. You just witness why I am the Crimson Ira Dragon Knight. Rumiko replied. What I just used was my forbidden Ira Magic. It is called Calum Flame magic it is my cursed magic I live with. Rumiko replied. Kin retreated. Ryu walked up to Kin. I see your psyche was transferred into her Crimson Hell she created. Ryu replied. How are you familiar with this magic? Kin asked. This is Calum's magic there are no mistaking that hellish power. Ryu replied. Rumiko released her weapon. Her eyes reverted to its original color. Did you use some of your true power? Aoi asked. Yeah, I really hate my magic. It brings fear to everyone I meet. Rumiko replied. Rumiko, I can't believe you are that powerful. Ally replied. Let me guess, you became a knight to ease your discrimination? Aoi asked. Yes, I hated being a half-dragon child. As I got older, I started to use my powers to help others. Rumiko replied. Tomoe ran over and hugged me. I felt an ominous presence. It was a man watching the fight from the eight floor. Rumiko looked up. He walked away. Megumi walked upstairs and passed him. If you want to be in her life just talk to her. Megumi replied. I have no right. Calum replied.

Stay Tuned.

Calum is the Crimson Ira Dragon King. This name will appear at the end of Book Three and the beginning of Five.

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