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Book Two: Part 2: Chapter Two: Cosmos Kaoru's Cold and Himeiji's Presence

Last time, Kaoru finally took down Cosmos by herself. She is sick and Aoi took her to the infirmary. He muttered something that caught her attention.

As I woke up, Aoi was sleeping. Ally touched his shoulder. Don't touch me, Ally. Aoi replied. Ally and Rumiko rushed over yelling. I shook my head. You are alive! Ally replied. We were worried about you after you. You collapsed right after your fight with Cosmos. Rumiko replied. I put on a faint smile on my face. I think she overheard what I mumbled. Aoi thought. Aiden and Megumi walked in the room. Kaoru, I wish you would take more care of yourself. Aiden replied. I am a very responsible adult who can take care of myself.I replied. So you say. Aiden replied. Ren walked in. Why would you strain yourself like that? Ren asked. Tomoe rushed over to the bed. Aunt Kaoru! Tomoe cries. Don't cry be a big boy. If not these firework tickets to Fides will be useless. I replied. We are going to Fides Firework Festival this year! Tomoe yelled. Tomoe smiled. You have to be a good boy to go, Tomoe. I replied. I will Aunt Kaoru. Tomoe replied. Hey I have to talk to Kaoru. Ren replied. As everyone left, Ren started talking. In the hallway, Megumi standing against the wall lost in thought. Why are you making empty promises to Tomoe? Ren asked. I usually keep mine other than you. I replied. What are you implying? Ren asked. I got out of the bed. Ren and I glared at each other. Aoi and Megumi rushed in to break them up. Ally and Rumiko walked in sighing. Leaving those two alone in a room screams disaster. Ally replied. As the two were restrained the room disappeared. A woman appeared. Who are you? Ren asked. Where are we to be more exact? I asked. Our clothing is like Heian Period. Megumi appeared. Mom, your appearance is like from... I replied. The time in history where she was on Earth and banishment here for supposed selfish desires. Megumi pointed her sword at her. That is no way to address your mother, Yumeko. Himeji replied. Mom, who is that woman. Listen to me very carefully. I am opening a portal for you and your brother to leave in. Megumi replied. Mom? Ren and I asked. She has no intention of letting you leave. Himeji snapped her finger. The portal evaporated. I can't see my grandchildren? Himeji asked. If you call trapping them in your Tempus Magic Dimension Spell: White Dahlia Realm without consent is what your way, huh? Megumi asked. Himeji rolled her eyes. Your acting just like your father. Himeji replied. Mom, who is that woman? I asked. Another time. Megumi replied. She slashed her sword again. Himeji looked to the side. An attack started to creep up behind Ren and I. Aoi appeared through the void as he directed Ren and grabbed me out the world. We were in the room again. Hey don't throw me like a rag doll. Ren replied. I help women and children out not grown men. Aoi replied. Himeji looked at Aoi and I. I wonder what she is thinking. I thought.

In the White Dahlia Realm, Megumi is still talking to Himeji.

Do you know of my successor of Tempus Magic? Himeji asked. Yes. Megumi replied. I want you to keep that man close, Yumeko. Himeji replied. I know mom. Megumi replied. Mom, I know you have been protecting my children. Megumi replied. I will protect my family. Himeji replied. Megumi turned and slashed her sword causing a portal to open. Goodbye mom. Megumi replied. Himeji began to cry after Megumi left. She has grown up so much from thirty-five years ago. Himeji replied.

Stay Tuned.

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