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Book One: Chapter Twenty-One: The Three Terrors Strike Part Nine

After I exposed Keenan for being a host for one of the Terrors. India began to show a fearful gaze at him. He started to faint ignorance to reinsure my sister, India. Keenan, I know you are trying to reinsure my sister's feelings towards you. I replied. As I started talking to him, he started to back away. I kept coming forward. India jumped in front of me. I will not let you hurt my boyfriend, Natasha! India yelled. India move or you get the same fate as him. I replied. As I summoned a sword, I felt a tremendous amount of force coming towards me. Is that Acedia Magic? I thought. As I was frozen in space, I hear humming and heels hitting the concrete.

I told you before Green-Eyed Witch, touch him and I will rob you of your time. Mimosa replied. What are you doing here, Mimosa? Keenan asked. I came here as soon as I felt the disturbance happen. Mimosa replied. Keenan, who is this girl? India and Mimosa asked. I see being a playboy must run through your blood? Kaori asked. Hey try to be nice to him, Kaori. Nanami replied. He is possessed by the guy who betrayed you right? Ami replied. Kaori's became angry and her eye turned bright emerald green. She ran and jumped in the air and unsheathes the sword. Keenan was scared and surprised that she attacked. She shattered Mimosa's shield and appeared in front of Keenan. He summoned Baal and started sparing with her. I ran over to be noisy. Release him from your possession, Orobas! Kaori yelled. Did you say Orobas? Jeremy asked. He had a flashback of Orobas. Yes Jeremy, he comes from that powerful family but loves manipulating others for their gain. Kaori replied. This is the best vessel I have every taken over. He is also powerful. Orobas replied. Kaori and Keenan fight until their swords attacks were negated. I see, Orobas is the demon who possessed my handsome face of a reincarnation of mine. Takeru replied. Kaori turns around with her livid expression. She looked at Takeru with slashed a void opened sucking him in. What have I told you about interfering with my fights, Takeru?! Kaori yelled. I see Takeru is meddling again. Nanami replied. Takeru slashed the void in half. Kaori killing my reincarnation will not bring "it" back to you. Takeru replied. Kaori grunted. Maybe not but my reincarnation will have to perform that task. Kaori replied. What do you mean, Kaori? I asked. Destroying and separating Orobas from Keenan of course. It is not my job or problem. Kaori sheathed her sword. I see you want me to take an human life? I asked. No, just seal and or kill Orobas. Kaori replied. Did you say Orobas, the demon that conquered Ira single-handed? He took down the Ira Army by himself. I replied. Fear overcame thinking about it. I thought. That girl may have your face but I smell insecurities in her. Orobas replied. Mariah and Sam ran outside to defend me. So my hunch of Keenan being possessed was correct. Mariah replied.

At the time we found out Keenan was possessed by Orobas and we found out about the other two. We had our work ahead of us.

Stay Tuned.

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