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Book One: Chapter Twenty: The Three Terrors Strike Part Eight

Last time, we fought Chalcedony and Nanami appeared to help. Keenan was attacked and nearly killed. Yoru survived.

Chalcedony disappeared. I looked at Keenan wondering if he knew something about her. Yoru hugs Keenan crying. Yoru, Chalcedony will appear again to come to retrieve you again. I can't protect you forever. Keenan replied. I am not going to cry anymore, Keenan. You always stick out your neck for me, never again. Yoru replied. As she said that. I don't know why but I know how it feels to be felt helpless and depend on others. A flashback of me depending on "him" came to mind. I shook my head. Hey are you ok, Natasha? India asked. You tell me, you're smiling but I feel a *yandere might emerge to the surface. I replied. India is not a yandere. She isn't on that level of jealousy. Keenan replied. Yoru starts to walk off. Yoru what is your real name?! I asked. My real name is Halcyon. Yoru is an allusion to my magic. Yoru replied. Her magic cant be one of the primordial magics. I thought. I looked shocked. She snapped her fingers a portal opened.When Yoru left everything that was once destroyed reversed back to normal. I am so glad we that all this is over. India replied. She smiled but I felt an ominous presence around us. Mariah ran over. Hey Natasha, I sensed a demonic aura here. Sam yelled. Sammie, don't need to yell we are right here. Mariah replied. Hmm, don't talk to me like that. Sam replied. If you want to be more precise, we're looking one of the three host of the Three Terrors. I replied. Stay Tuned.

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