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Book Two: Part 2: Chapter Thirteen: Ally vs. Kuroyuri and the Red-haired girl

Last time, Katsu had a flashback of his and Higanbana's past. The next day, Ally runs over to Katsu. Hey Katsu, how are you this morning? Ally asked. Katsu turned around. I am doing fine, Ally. Katsu replied. Katsu smiles. Ally looked and jumped back. I found you, Kuroyuri. Ally replied. How did u find out where she would be? Katsu asked. I knew what that sociopath was planning. She uses her feminine wiles to deceive you into doing her biding. Ally replied. What the hell do you know Alice Bellerose, Rose Maiden of Stella. Kuroyuri asked. Just enough! Ally yelled. Ally disappeared. I see you learned the ancient Avaritia and Ira Spell. Kuroyuri replied.Kuroyuri appears behind Ally. A flash kicked Kuroyuri in the side. A red-haired girl appeared. Ally turned her head. The red haired girl looked at Kuroyuri casting a spell. Ira Sacred Art! Dragon's Frenzy! Juliet yelled. Take her down! Juliet yelled. Ally jumped in the air. Kuroyuri was not fast enough to react. Ally slashed her hidden sword. Ally landed on the ground. Kuroyuri was on her knees. Where did you get that sword? Kuroyuri asked. I did my research and I learned to summon that sword. Ally replied. She fell to her knees. Who are you? Ally asked. You and I will meet again. Juliet replied. The girl summoned a sword from Higanbana Collection. She slashed a portal. Katsu is shocked. Who was she? Katsu asked. I know that was Higanbana correct? Ally asked. No it was one of her swords out of the  collection. Katsu replied. Can you stand? Katsu asked. I think so. Ally asked. The girl turned around and smiles. The others and I ran to Ally. She smiles like you Ally. I replied. She does look like you. Rumiko replied. She walks up to the portal. What took you so long? You always hog all the action. Mizuki replied. Come on Kagam's? Juliet asked. Our existence is meant to be a secret, Juliet. Kagami replied. The fighting is finally over but little did we expect that my "our" past will surface so quickly. Juliet and Mizuki will appear in Book Three. The end of Book Two Stay Tuned for Book Three...

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