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Haru/My Rare Treasure

Last time, Yoshi resorted to her last resort. She summoned a bow and arrow. As she was stuck in Bara's Void, a man who was weeping about the fact he is supposed to protect her. Hey, why are you sad? Haru replied. I am her bodyguard and I didn't even guard and that is part of my job. Guren replied. If you are supposed to be her bodyguard, you must be really strong. Natsumi replied. I am just one of the youngest sea general in history. It's not really a big deal if I can't protect anyone. Guren weep. Hold the fuck up you are the sea general that took down a whole army by yourself? Your power is compared to freaking Poseidon! Megumi yelled. I am strong but I didn't protect her. Guren replied. How about we sit down and let's eat something after Yoshi wins. Megumi replied. Yes ma'am, I know she will win. That bow is not your average bow, it is her powers manifested into that bow. Guren replied. Wait that bow is that strong? Where the hell was hiding that? Haru asked. Mean while in Bara's Void, Yoshi attacked Bara and she was injured. Yoshi took her last arrow and she pasted out. Bara was defeated and the Void burst. Are you ok, I think we went to hard on her. Yoshi replied. You won why do you care? Bara asked. Didn't you say, "the sea are all friendly" or something? Yoshi replied. After all I am their princess and I would be disgrace them acting out of character. Yoshi replied. Here is a fruit if you eat this you will return to full strength. Maybe we can fight again sometime on fair terms. Yoshi replied. My lady, you are alive! Guren replied as he was hugging her. Guren, I keep telling you I can protect myself.My dad like you keeping tabs on me. Yoshi replied. I see you have met Guren. Guren is my childhood friend and an Sea General. I know he is giving off he is the biggest shy softy vibe but he is really as the rumors. Yoshi replied. How about we go out to get something to eat? Yoshi asked. Since you are kind of unfamiliar with things Guren. Hey you guys want to show him around? Yoshi replied. First we have to get him a change of clothes. Haru replied. Don't look at me, I am an only child. Haru replied. I will ask my brother. Come on to my house. Natsumi replied. Bara and Yoshi's fight has ended fast. Yoshi offered to help her. Yoshi's has a bodyguard names Guren. Stay Tuned to the next Arc. See you next time.

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