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Last time, Rumiko and Tomoe run into a old friend of Rumiko's named Makoto. He is hell bent on getting revenge towards Rumiko for locking him up. I am curious to who let that bastard out? Rumiko asked. That guy is out to attack you where you are most vulnerable. Kaoru replied. Yeah I figured that is what he is planning. Ally replied. I really don't care but knowing him, he will have a few friends of his get in your way. Rumiko replied. As I would let him that bastard have his way. Kaoru replied. I applaud your tenacity but he is more dangerous than I. Aoi replied. You know you are right but don't look down on yourself. Aoi replied. Who are you? Aoi asked. Minori Miyazaki you might know the Aoi replied. (Haru/My Rare Treasure). Wait are you who I think you are? Ally asked. Aoi walked pass. Do you know that guy? Aoi asked. Yeah that guy is Higashiyama's husband and the guy over your squad Rumiko and Tomoe. Ally replied. He looks like he wouldn't hurt a fly. He looks harmless. Tomoe replied. As all of them went home, Kaoru say Aoi talking to someone. She listened and he said. I'm sorry but I can't let you touch my cadets without my permission so can you please leave Rumiko alone. Aoi replied. Are you trying to say that, you will get in my way? Makoto asked. Yes I am, also those kids won't let you touch her without going through us first. Aoi replied. It is your funeral old man. Makoto replied. He charged towards Aoi and the last thing Kaoru heard was him charging. You old man my friends are out after all six of them. They will not live to tell the tale. Makoto replied. I want to believe that too. Aoi replied. Stay Tuned.

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