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Haru/My Rare Treasure

Last time, Haru was on her way home and ran into the honey colored eyes guy again. Orchid found out who he really was. When she got home, her mother brought up her being someones "Rare Treasure". She was curious about what her mother met?

The next morning, Haru got ready and ran down the stairs to get on the bus. Haru got on the bus, she saw Aoi. Hey Haru, how are you doing this morning? Aoi asked. I am doing great, how are you? Haru asked. Hey why are you two acting strange? Ichiko asked. What are you talking about? Haru asked. When they got to school, a new student was transferred into their class. Hi my name is Emma Volkov and it is nice to meet you. Emma replied. Wow the new girl is really cute. Haruto replied. Aren't you the guy who has a girlfriend? Haru asked. She is my ex nad we are not going to bring her up. Haruto replied. Hey Aoi how are you? Emma asked. That girl, why is she here? Aoi thought. Hey what the hell are you doing here? Aoi asked. Well Izanami wants me to go to school so I am going here. Emma replied. Emma you know you can't do whatever you feel here. Aoi replied. I was told to stay on my best behavior. Emma replied. Haru walked over. Hi my name is Haru Higashiyama. I am the student council president, it is nice to meet you. Haru replied. I know all about you, Aoi talks about you very much. Emma replied. I knew that four eyes had feelings for her. Haruto replied. Stop picking on him. Haru replied. Hey Aoi are you two(mmmm). Emma replied. Why are you covering her mouth? Haru asked. Come here Emma. Aoi replied. Aoi pulled Emma to the side. Orchid I want you to follow him and see what he is talking about. Haru asked. Orchid followed Aoi. No one knows what I really look like alright. Aoi replied. These glasses just give off an illusion of what they see me as. Aoi replied. I knew he was using old magic that deceives what the victim he or she looks at. Orchid thought. When they walked back, Emma asked. "Hey did you see that shadow?" That shadow is more than you think, she knows the truth. Aoi replied. How does she know? Emma asked. She can see through the magic in the glasses. Aoi replied. She is a major threat? Emma asked. She might not look it but she is just a manifestation of Haru's negative emotions. Aoi replied. When Aoi and Emma walked back into the classroom, every guy was asking if she was single? Why are you asking me this? Emma asked. Well I was wondering if you woul like to go out this weekend? Haruto asked. I will think about it. Emma replied. Hey you bastard, you always get the girls. Shima replied. Shut up and stop talking like that. Haru replied. Why do we have to listen to you? Shima asked. Haru glared at Shima and he and his friends said "I am so sorry ma'am." I would not get on Haru's bad side. Aoi replied. Listen to Aoi, Haru is nicer compared to her back in the day. Ichiko replied. Don't say such things. For your information,I cast away my negative emotions. Haru replied. Haru pouted. Wait did you say cast away your negative emotions? Aoi asked. Stay Tuned.

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