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Last time, Mana explained to Hiro why she hasn't appeared before Karin. Soon after they were talking to each other, a person was about to attack Karin. Mana stopped with her sword. Later that day she reveals her self before the others. As everyone looked at Mana they were surprised at how much Karin and her favored. OMG she is so adorable with her armor. Mariah replied. Who the hell are calling adorable? Mana replied. You are so cute Mana. Mariah replied. I know right, Mana might give off a mean vibe but she a big softie. Nanami replied. I am not a softy. Mana replied. Too bad we have Grasshopper Pie at Natasha's house. Kaori replied. Wait? Mana asked. No they do not put live grasshoppers in the pie, Mana. Kaori replied. Wait you have grasshopper pie at your house, Natasha? Karin asked. Yeah you all can come over and eat some if you like? Natasha asked. I would. Karin replied. As they reached Natasha's house, Jeremy came outside. Hey girls, I see you met a new friend. Jeremy replied. Don't act like you don't know me Jeremy. Mana replied. What ever do you mean, I never met you before. Jeremy replied. Kaori passed Jeremy and says "You know you can deceive those girl and you daughter but we know the truth" When Jeremy walked inside the house, he yawned and went to the study. Dad why are you going to your study again? Natasha asked. Well I have to finish my manuscript before they can make into a book. Jeremy replied. Rene walked passed and said" If you keep this up Natasha is going to become curious about how you really Mana" Natasha walks into the kitchen and looks for the Grasshopper Pie. If you are looking for the pie, it has cooled down enough for you to eat. Rene replied. Thank you Aunt Rene. Sam replied. Wait you are related to Natasha? Nanami asked. Yeah our mom's are siblings. Sam replied. Yes Aaron and Sam's mom is my little sister's children. Rene replied. Now that I look, they look like twins almost. Ami replied. No Aaron and Sam's mom has an identical twin sister. Rene replied. Wait your mom has a twin sister? Mariah asked. Yes but she rarely comes around. Sam replied. That is Mariah for you. Rene replied. Rene carefully cut the pie in twelve slices. Everyone ate a piece of pie. Mana ate on bite and she smiled. Oh no did we just triggered both of their sweet tooth? Natasha asked. What What do you mean? Kaori asked. Those eyes are proof. Natasha replied.

Mana has met everyone.

What will happen next?

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