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Haru/My Rare Treasure: Haru did her research on the four people who follow Izanami. Haru wants to tell her friend about but runs into Sayuri and Aoi.

Natasha: Mana add Karin are on their way to Karin's house but they run into people after Mana. Mana defeats them. Karin and Mana leave the scene so people would not ask questions. Soon as the two rush to Karin's house, they ran into Karin's father, Minori. Minori and Mana seemed like that knew each other.

Kaoru: Kaoru and the others are getting ready for Katsu big day. His little sister comes to give him a guilt trip. But fails at it now she has a grudge towards Ally. They are now on there way to the place.

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