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Haru/My Rare Treasure

Last time, Haru tries to clean up her mess from a few years ago. She removes it. In return she is being stalked. Haru figured Tomoki would do that to her. Megumi brings up Sayuri and Revenge.

Later that day, Haru was still think about Sayuri and what revenge has to do with it. When Haru got home, she rushed upstairs and got on her laptop and looked up the meaning of Sayuri. What the hell? Orchid asked. So they were named after flower meanings. Sayuri means hatred/revenge. Botan means bravery. Hyakunichisou means loyalty. Lastly, Bara means silence and devotion. Haruu replied. I should tell the girls tomorrow about this. Haru replied. I kind caught on to that but I thought it was about Hanakotoba or Language of Flowers. Orchid replied. As Haru went to sleep that night, Sayuri (Aoi) was spying on her as Tomoki asked him too. Well that bastard actually listen to someone. Orchid replied. What is going on? Haru asked. Just go to sleep alright. Orchid replied. I have no damn clue on who he is trying to get revenge upon? Orchid thought. What a lapdog. Orchid replied. Is he spying on me or something? Haru asked. Yes he is and what should we do about it? Orchid asked. We'll find out tomorrow. Haru replied. The next morning, Haru went to school and Aoi walked past him. Oh good morning Aoi, how are you doing today? Haru asked. I'm doing great today so far. Aoi replied. That is good to hear. Haru replied. Stay Tuned.

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