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Haru/My Rare Treasure

Last time, Haru is still uncertain to believe what Ichiko and Megumi has to say. On the way to Megumi's Dojo, Ichiko sees a boy who looks like her classmate but by looking him he reminded her of Aoi. Ichiko rushes to Megumi's Dojo.

Hey why are you out of breath? Megumi replied. I just saw a guy that looks just like snarky ass bastard Haruto. Ichiko replied. Wait Haruto has a twin? Haru asked. Hell if I know, when I saw him from a glimpse he reminded me of Aoi. Ichiko replied. What are you saying, Aoi is actually Haruto's twin brother? Haru asked. Shit so that bastard put all of us in his void. Megumi replied. So Sayuri, are you taking revenge on Haru, Ichiko or me? Megumi replied.How are we in his void? Yoshi asked. Well his void is different, he can grasp you in at any time he feels like it. In his the flow of time changes. Megumi replied. So he saw me run here? Ichiko asked. Yes I did and I don't appreciate you spying on me. Sayuri replied. Sayuri rushed and summoned a sword. Haru summoned a sword and stopped him. Don't let him attack you. A small nick will be like a gash. Megumi replied. I don't give a damn what or who the hell he is. I don't appreciate you attacking Ichiko for no damn reason. Haru replied. Haru and Sayuri glared at each other. Both vanished. Haru was fighting with sword in her Imperatrice dell'aria form. Wait are these two about to duke it out in here? Yoshi asked. Seems like it. Ichiko replied. She rarely uses that form. Ichiko thought. I know Haru will kick his ass. Ichiko replied. Stay Tuned. Imperatrice dell'aria means Air Empress in Italian.

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