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Last time, Aoi and the others teased Katsu on him getting drunk on his birthday. Ayame came over that morning to give him a guilt trip on making him feel bad about going out with others. His cousin Hino was a bonus.

Well thanks you guys for that the breakfast. Katsu replied. Your maids need a break after all. Aoi replied. Master Aoi thank you for the meal. Mami replied. I told you don't call me Master Aoi. You can call me Aoi. Aoi replied. Oh hey Asuka you are here? Aoi replied. Aoi handed her a Granny Smith Apple. Asuka smiled. So you do have a heart. Kaoru replied. He is a sap for children, I don't know why? Katsu asked. I have a feeling at one point he was in their position or something. Katsu replied. Mister Aoi can I have that Apple Cinnamon Muffin? Asuka asked. Sure you can. Aoi replied. I am not the villain all the time. Aoi replied. As everyone was eating, Katsu walked and asked Ally if she wanted a Blueberry Muffin. I would like one, thank you. Ally replied. Tell anybody what happen, I will do it again. Katsu replied. Hey Katsu, are you hitting on Ally this early in morning? Tomoe replied. Ally looked scared and shocked. Hey what is wrong with you Ally? Rumiko asked. Aoi walked over to Katsu. I wonder what they are talking about? Kaoru replied. Aoi dragged Katsu into the kitchen. What the hell is wrong with you, did you force yourself on her? Aoi asked. I have my reason for my actions. Katsu replied. What is your motives? Aoi replied. Yukimoto gave me strict orders to do it. Katsu replied. Yukimoto walked over. I see you did your job perfectly. Scare my little sister so the stalker will appear. Who could be after Ally? Why is Aoi nice towards children? Stay Tuned.

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