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Last time, Natasha and the girls went out to Lunar Sweets and found out Ami and Mana are half-sisters. As the girls were waiting for food, Kai came out and said I bought your favorite cake that you like today. Kai replied. I see that. Karin replied. As soon as he walked off he brushed pass Ryoshi. You know if you keep trying to control her she will never learn. Ryoshi replied. What did you just say? Kai replied. Ryoshi clinched his fist in anger. Ryoshi I am glad sto...od up to my brother but you know his friends will come after you. Karin replied. I wouldn't worry, Ryoshi might look scrawny but he is actually stronger than you think. Mana replied. Hey don't get my brother roped in any fighting. Yuzuki replied. You know I don't like breaking up fights. Yuzuki replied. I know I was just thinking out loud. Mana replied. Well after we get you desserts out, we are off for the day. Yuzuki replied. Really I wish we came earlier. Mana replied as she pouted. You can pout all you like you can't effect me. Ryoshi replied. Damn I thought that would work. Mana replied. Alright your desserts you ordered are ready to pick up. I will bring it to you. Ryoshi replied. Soon as Ryoshi handed the cakes and pies in bags. Yes I want the chocolate. Ami replied. I mean you guys can take some of the samples with you. Ryoshi replied. We can? Ami and Mana replied. You should have not said that, Ryoshi they will wired up. Well Mana is already. Karin replied. Her wired up when she has her best ideas actually. Ryoshi replied. Wait what do you mean? Karin asked. Ryoshi and Yuzuki walked off to the bus stop. What's wrong with you? Karin asked. I thought I heard Ryoshi say something. Karin replied. Hey whose house are we crashing at to eat this? Natasha asked. Well since we rarely go anywhere but to my house, let's go to Mariah's house. Natasha replied. Actually your in luck my mom is home today. Mariah replied. On the way to Mariah's house we saw Aaron standing in front of the door mumbling to himself. Mariah leave this to me. Sam walked up behind him. You know its disturbing as for a guy to be standing in front your girlfriend's door talking to yourself. People going to think something is wrong with you other than me. Sam replied. You are horrible human being. Aaron replied. I call as I see it. Sam replied. Aaron did you have to ask me a question? Mariah asked. Yeah um ah. Aaron replied. Well since my brother has begun his nervous phase around you. He is saying do you want to go out another time with all us trying to play matchmaker. Sam replied. Is that what you were going to ask me? Mariah asked. Stay Tuned.


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