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Last time, Mana told Karin about who the new enemy is. Karin is introducing everyone to the Historia Society. Hey let's meet up during lunch to talk about joining the Historia Society. Karin replied. Why are you so eager to join? We will talk about before we join. Karin replied. When everyone went to class, Mana felt a suspcion about joining the club. Hey why are you acting like we are doing something sketchy? Karin asked. Well the name sounds sketchy. "Historia Society"? I sounds like a cult or something. Mana replied. Well Mana,it's far from a cult believe me it is a history club that visits historical parts of Japan. Karin replied. I might live here but I never got to see like the old famous houses and places. Karin replied. You and the others practically lived there. Karin replied. Well to us they were regular buildings. Mana replied. Well let's go to Math class. Karin replied. Wait Math I love math. Mana replied. Mana skipped to class after hearing about Math. During lunch everyone went to the Historia Society Club room. Hi we all are thinking about joining the society. Karin replied. How can I believe that? Isami asked. Well you can ask any of us questions about history. Kaori replied. Who did the Obiwaban swear loyalty to? Isami asked. Well that is easy, Tokugawa. I could have told you that much after all I was there during that time actually, I was a little kid who admired their loyalty to a master. Kaori replied. You talk as if you were really there. Isami replied. Well yemmmm. I had to cover Kaori's mouth before she blew her cover of being the real Kaori Higashiyama. I thought. Well that was that was the correct answer. Karin replied. Yes it was. Isami replied. Alright you have to sign this form all of you an you will be all set. Isami replied. Oh yeah since you are all new. We are going to Kiyozumi's residence for research purpose so we can get information for our so we can write up the report and create a diagram for the show tell contest. Isami replied. Hey what are you guys want any cool club stuff like a fridge, microwave or TV ? Mariah asked. Wait you can get that for us? Isami asked. Yeah all of us can pitch in. I replied. I can give you a microwave my father bought but never opened. I replied. You know how Jeremy is. Kaori replied. You guys said Jeremy as in Jeremy Higashiyama? Mamishi asked. The historical romantic writer? Maishi asked. Yeah that is my brother and her father. Kaori replied. Let me guess you guys are thinking about using Jeremy by historical background in his work. Mana replied. We are not using. Isami replied. My dad would willing do it , I know my brother. Kaori replied. Well we have a deal. Isami replied. Alright now I want you guys to meet us after school this Friday to go to Kiyozumi's residence. Isami replied. Stay Tuned.


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