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Last time, Hinori warns Rin about the new cadets of Unit Two. Kazuki of Unit Two addressing his information on the enemy and how they might attack.

As Ally called everyone to come to Katsu's hospital room, Kazuki started to explain everything. So you know the whereabouts of Kuroyuri and friends? Kaoru asked. Well more like their precise locations as we speak. Kazuki replied. Kazuki might not look it but he has a knack for knowing information, surveillance, and stealth. Ally replied. So you can read your enemy. As soon as you do that you prey on your victim until they give in. Rumiko replied. Am I wrong? Rumiko asked. As I was saying the next to attack will be no other than Kin. Kazuki replied. Why do you say that? Ally replied. He wants to get back on the female swordsman, Rumiko Vestia. Kazuki replied. So he wants payback for me stopping that blade that of his? Rumiko replied. You are the Princess of Dragons? Chihiro asked. Well, that is a title. My real name is Chiyo Aiden, who lives in society as a part-time waitress at my favorite bakery. Rumiko replied. Really, I would have thought you were a knight? Chihiro asked. I am still a knight of my kingdom, I was transferred here because the king and queen of my country asked me to join people of higher rank power wise such as Tomoe as well. Rumiko replied. The both of us are no pushovers. Rumiko replied. After that fight, Cosmos will come after you, Kaoru. Kazuki replied. Why are you going against me? I asked. It is pretty obvious she wants to test that ancient ability you are hiding from everyone. Kazuki replied. So she is after my real powers I possess. I replied. What are you talking about? Ally asked. Rin and my powers are one of the ancient arts of fire. My power is the opposite of his, he can purify peoples wounds. My powers can only bring destruction. I learned Invidia to control so in return, they are turned into swords. I replied. So my hunch was right, you possess such a power that can spread disaster. You never were sent to a squad because a few years back, you nearly killed your opponent out of spite. Aoi replied. You are feared by many. Aoi replied. Shut up I don't need that coming from the guy who nearly killed people for your own pleasure. I replied.The next person who will be attacked is Aoi Yoshida by Raiki. Kazuki replied. She really wants to test your strength. Kazuki replied. So she is hounding me again? Aoi asked. Aoi has a blank stare on his face. Tomoe you will be up against Ryu. Kazuki replied. I would have thought he would go up again Rumiko. Other than it is not a surprise after all his type of dragon he is of my mother is. Tomoe replied. Tomoe what are you talking about? I asked Commander Yamada that guy will come after you again. Kazuki replied. Lastly, Commander Roslite you will be fighting Kuroyuri yourself. What events are going to happen next? Tuned for what will happen next.

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